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Intro to BibleN3rd

Hello Friend. My name is Ryan Bolton. I started the fullness of my walk with Christ about 5 years ago and I can't tell you how much it has changed me and has led me to this moment. I have learned so much and want to share and put myself out there. I have been praying about the next step God wants to do in my life. He has been pressing upon me to start this website and a YouTube channel so here we go!

My Story:

I was born into a denomination but never felt fully committed. Some of the teachings just didn't sit right with me so I never fully bought in. I also never found the love of reading or studying the Word especially as it was presented to me through this denomination. Anytime I was presented with the Word it was only Old English/King James. I was good in school but have always struggled with spelling. Thank God for spell check and Grammarly! I really felt this held me back from being a "reader" most of my life. I have a good vocabulary, I can think light on my feet with a quick memory and enjoy public speaking. God has blessed me in that area as I have never felt nervous in front of a crowd. About 5 years, I remember I was in my car around Holy Week and noticed in the menu of channels on my XM radio listed "Religious". There was the Catholic Channel, Joel Osteen Radio, and even music stations like The Message. I started listening to these channels and doors and windows opened. Chains started falling off. I was so moved by the music and how well-written the lyrics are. I have since gone to many Christian Concerts. I was moved by the sermons and started hearing about the different translations of the Bible. That lead me to The Bible Project, Ten Minute Bible Hour, Bible Recap, YouVersion Bible App, The Chosen, podcasts, study guides, and so much more. Once I broke from getting all my "spiritual food" only from one source and denomination, I felt freer and more excited to learn. I started listening to so many Bible Scholars and podcasts. I started down the road of Christian Apologetics. I have read more in the last 5 years than the entire length of my life 3 fold up to that point!!!

How did I get here:

For the last year or so I wanted to take the next step. I have been taking small steps like posting more of my beliefs on social media. Having more discussions with people face to face as well as online. Posting scripture versions using the YouVerzion Bible app. I post Christian-based shows, movies, and books like Bible Project and The Chosen. I love the band Casting Crowns and there are several songs that talk about taking the next step. About being the Body of Christ, about the One Awkward Moment (such a good song). Then one night only a few days again I started putting bigger plans together. I just couldn't go to sleep. I started putting an online of what I wanted to do. I came up with the name BibleN3rd. I got the domain, the YouTube channel, the Facebook. To take what I have learned and share it with the world. To open myself up to debate and test my faith. I didn't think I was ready for the first few years but the push and pull I feel just can't be ignored any longer. The lamp can't stay hidden under a basket any longer. So here I go! Lead and guided by the Holy Spirit! I have so many ideas and can't wait to see where this all goes!

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About Me

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I started the fullness of my walk with Christ in 2017.  I can't believe how much it has changed my life and still how far I want to go.  I was never a "reader" but some chains fell off my life and I have spent so much of my time studying and learning.  It got to the point where I wanted to engage and share what I have made into a passion.  That is where this all started and I can't wait to see where God takes it!


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